Famous Labradoodle goes Plush!


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Bocker and his Plush Friends

Bocker and his Plush Friends

New York celebrity and fabulous spokes dog for Royal Treatment products, Bocker Labradoodle can now be yours…in plush puppy form, that is!

This adorable labradoodle uses Royal Treatment and then basks in all the compliments he receives (well, wouldn’t you?).

And Bocker is about to go global – he’s starring in Julia Robert’s new film, Eat Pray Love.

But don’t go thinking Bocker is nothing more than a beautiful dog (with great taste in grooming products) and a glittering career path in entertainment. Bocker is a dog dedicated to helping animals less fortunate than himself, and is a tireless fundraiser and a spokesdog for  labradoodles everywhere.

Bocker asked us to help support one of his favourite organisations, the Humane Society of NY. To buy one of the adorable Bocker plush pups, please go to Bocker TV, and, when ordering, mention Royal Treatment products, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Humane Society of NY.

Buying something so cute has never made you feel so good.




Bocker was bred by Doodlesville.net

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