Puppy Archive

Puppy Archive

18 Days Old updated May 18th 2011

4 Little Girls

2 Little Boys

Wavy Coat – No fuss coat care
Very NICE blocky Lab head
He is so dang cute and he has the coolest coloring
This is my 12 year old daughters favorite puppy, she says “He is special.. I can just tell”

Little Turquoise boy is so tiny and mellow..
he is on the left in the second pic (above) playing with his sister..
He has a flatter coat then his sisters but he will still be wavy just not super curly.
This will be a no fuss coat to take care of – very limited grooming.

8 Days Old

Pictures updated 5/8/2011… You just gotta love the Leopard print! Rawr!

4 Baby Girls

Purple Girl Pink Girl (smallest Girl)

Green Girl Red girl

Our 2 Boys

Little Boy Blue (smallest boy)

Candid Litter pics

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