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Colloidal Silver – an ALL Natural Treatment for your Labradoodle

Colloidal Silver – an ALL Natural Treatment for your Labradoodle

Colloidal Silver has been shown to be effective against more than 650 disease-causing organisms, including ringworm, mange, salmonella, E coli, Candida Albicans and other yeast infections. Colloidal Silver can be used against viral, bacterial and fungal infections and works best when it comes....

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Dr. Jean Dodds – Recommended Vaccination Schedule for Dogs and Puppies

Dr. Jean Dodds – Recommended Vaccination Schedule for Dogs and Puppies

Recommended Vaccinations Protocol for Puppies This page includes Dr.  Dodd’s Vaccine Protocol for Puppies and Dogs.   Maternal immunity lasts until 8-14 weeks of age, so being vaccinated at 6 weeks will neutralize the vaccine and only give (0-38%) protection. Vaccination at 6 weeks will also delay the timing of the first highly effective vaccine. Vaccinating […]

Blue Power Ear Formula – Home Recipe for Dogs

Blue Power Ear Formula – Home Recipe for Dogs

Blue Power Ear Formula – DIY Home Recipes for Dogs This page includes some great homeopathic ear formulas handed down from veterinarians and resourceful dog owners, and one of them might just be what you’ve been looking for! Labradoodles who have reoccurring ear infections are usually due to the fact their owners aren’t caring for […]

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Homopathic Recipes For Dog Breeders – Lactating Dams and Fading Puppies (Runts)

Homopathic Recipes For Dog Breeders – Lactating Dams and Fading Puppies (Runts)

Homeopathic Recipes for Dog Breeders – Lactating Dams and Fading Puppies Miracle Liver Elixer for Fading Puppies #1 Start with a piece of raw or frozen raw beef liver. Put it in a pan with a cup of water, add more water if  needed (this will depend on the size of liver your cooking) Simmer […]

What is Kennel Cough?

What is Kennel Cough?

Kennel Cough Kennel Cough is a common upper respiratory disease in dogs caused by one or more airborne infectious agents that irritate the interior of your dog’s throat. Symptoms will usually show themselves within three to seven days after the initial exposure and last about ten days to three weeks. Your dog can then continue […]

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Interview with a Dog Breeder..Doodlesville.com

Interview with a Dog Breeder..Doodlesville.com

  This was published WAY before I ever even considered becoming a breeder myself, I was just a huge Doodle lover and owner at the time. I asked Nancy from doodlesville.com if I could interview her for my Doodle blog which is all Dreamydoodles.com was at the time, she said Yes and this is the interview.. I think it deserved […]

Canine Parvovirus – Symptoms

Canine Parvovirus – Symptoms

Canine parvovirus is an acute, highly contagious disease of dogs that was first described in the early 1970s. The virus has a tendency to attack rapidly reproducing cells, such as those lining the gastrointestinal tract. For best results, patients should be hospitalized and placed on IV fluids, massive doses of antibiotics, anti-vomiting drugs, intravenous feeding and serum […]

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What is Leptospirosis in Dogs and Puppies?

What is Leptospirosis in Dogs and Puppies?

Leptospirosis in Dogs What are the signs of leptospirosis in pets? The clinical signs of leptospirosis vary and are nonspecific. Sometimes pets do not have any symptoms. Common clinical signs reported in dogs include fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, refusal to eat, severe weakness and depression, stiffness, severe muscle pain, or inability to have puppies. […]

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Coccidia and Giardia in Puppies and Dogs – Information and Treatment

Coccidia and Giardia in Puppies and Dogs – Information and Treatment

Coccidia and Giardia in Puppies and Dogs – Information and Treatment Two of the most frustrating but common parasites your puppy might be hosting are Giardia and Coccidia. These are not worms, but two species of protozoa – single-celled organisms that reproduce in the intestines of infected animals and shed their spores into the environment […]