Puppy Products


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Our Recommended Puppy Supplies

Our Recommended Puppy Supplies

Recommended Puppy Supplies Checklist This is our Puppy Supplies Checklist – The Puppy Products I think are the BEST and recommend you buy and setup before your new puppy comes home. Being prepared helps so much! On your puppies first day home you don’t want to be running around trying to figure out what you need.  […]

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Housebreaking a Puppy A Time Proven Potty Training Routine

Housebreaking a Puppy A Time Proven Potty Training Routine

Potty Training Your Doodle Puppy The time proven housebreaking method. Housebreaking a puppy can be an easy process or very difficult depending on the method you decide to use. I personally love our doggy door because it makes my family’s life with 6 dogs much easier but we also like having crate-trained dogs and also […]

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Do-it-Yourself Dog and Puppy Toys – DIY Dog Toys

Do-it-Yourself Dog and Puppy Toys – DIY Dog Toys

Do-it-Yourself Dog Toys Dog toys can be costly and often don’t last very long, they either get destroyed or lost in the back yard or behind the couch. Or worse.. you spend a bunch of money on a fancy dog toy and your dog shows no interest in your expensive doggy gift. So, why waste […]

Comments Off on How to make your own Puppy Pen with PVC Pipes Fun, New Puppy, Pets, Potty Training, Puppy Products, Socialization
How to make your own Puppy Pen with PVC Pipes

How to make your own Puppy Pen with PVC Pipes

How to make your own Puppy Pen out of PVC Pipes! Source:  Michele Clay Oak Hill, Florida This Portable Pet Enclosure is designed for temporary containment, ideal for travel or hotel use. The one above was made by Roverpet.com but if your handy you can make your own! Puppies, left to their own devices WILL get into […]

Comments Off on Feeding Schedule for Puppies Dog Food, Dog Info, Health, New Puppy, Nutrition, Puppy Products, Training
Feeding Schedule for Puppies

Feeding Schedule for Puppies

A puppy’s meal schedule must include three measured meals a day, preferably at the same time every day.

Comments Off on Grooming the Labradoodle, Goldendoodle & Aussiedoodle Aussiedoodles, Doodles, Grooming, Labradoodles, New Puppy, Puppy Products
Grooming the Labradoodle, Goldendoodle & Aussiedoodle

Grooming the Labradoodle, Goldendoodle & Aussiedoodle

Grooming the Labradoodle, Goldendoodle & Aussiedoodle It is very important that your Doodle be professionally groomed every couple months. The longer the coat the more often grooming is needed. No one likes a dirty, matted, Doodle. It is uncomfortable for your Doodle and worse for your groomers. If your Doodle is not groomed regularly, it […]

Blue Power Ear Formula – Home Recipe for Dogs

Blue Power Ear Formula – Home Recipe for Dogs

Blue Power Ear Formula – DIY Home Recipes for Dogs This page includes some great homeopathic ear formulas handed down from veterinarians and resourceful dog owners, and one of them might just be what you’ve been looking for! Labradoodles who have reoccurring ear infections are usually due to the fact their owners aren’t caring for […]

Comments Off on Puppy Do’s and Don’ts Doodles, Fun, Health, New Puppy, Nutrition, Pets, Potty Training, Puppy Products, Socialization, Training, Vaccines
Puppy Do’s and Don’ts

Puppy Do’s and Don’ts

Puppy DO’s Identify your puppy with a tag placed on a collar. Tattoos can also be used. I also recommend all puppies are microchipped. Take your pet to the vet for yearly checkups. Supply your puppy with clean, fresh water at each meal and throughout the day. Keep your young puppy indoors until they’re fully vaccinated.  […]

Comments Off on Finding the Best Pet Insurance Plan.. Dog Food, Doodles, Health, In the Media, New Puppy, News, Nutrition, Pets, Puppy Products, Sickness, Vaccines
Finding the Best Pet Insurance Plan..

Finding the Best Pet Insurance Plan..

Pet insurance is a must have for any new pet owner because it can save you from massive veterinarian bills. You only need to pay a small premium every month to give you peace of mind and to keep away from those scary vet bills that come very quickly if your pet runs into any […]

Comments Off on The Ultimate House Training Guide Health, In the Media, New Puppy, News, Pets, Potty Training, Puppy Products, Training
The Ultimate House Training Guide

The Ultimate House Training Guide

Had enough of picking up piles and soaking up stains? Of keeping constant watch over an unpredictable pup? Of returning home to that smell? Well, your carpet cleaning and odor killing days are numbered. Soon you’ll be able to focus on what really matters when it comes to dog ownership:companionship, NOT cleaning. The Ultimate House Training […]